The Power of Breathing – The Hidden Secret To Eliminating Stress In our Life

Many of us have heard of the positive effects of Deep Breathing and what it can do to enhance our Health. I have found that when things get stressful or extremely busy that by simply taking 5 or 10 deep breaths can have an incredible impact on the stress we are feeling. The good news is that you can do it anywhere….at your desk, in your home and even while driving (don’t do it with your eyes closed!)

The key I find is to focus on very long and deep breaths and actually focusing on your air going in your lungs and exhaling. Sometimes I even count to 10 on each inhale and exhale and always try to exhale longer than my inhale.

Other times I focus on each body part starting at my head and working down through my body focusing on that body part and slowly exhaling any stress from that body part through breath. It is amazing how relaxed you feel after moving through this process and is even a great way to eliminate the stress of the day prior to falling asleep.

Happy Breathing!


  1. These are some great blogs Kevin! I cannot stress how much I agree with you on this one in particular….being a yoga instructor I am all about learning to breathe consciously and with awareness. Such a valuable tool in helping to restore balance in the mind and body

  2. Kevin, love your blogs and love the suggestions. we all know the importance of managing stress and really just need to make sure it becomes a part of our daily regime, right up there with brushing your teeth and getting dressed for work. there are so many great tools out there for breathing exercises. recently picked up Muse, which is really guided meditation for busy people. look forward to reading more of your blogs!

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