The Most Important Decision You Will Make Today

A question I am often asked is what is the most important thing that you can do to improve your health?

What you eat today is the most important decision you will make today.

Most pre mature deaths are preventable and related to diet/nutrition and what we consume and put in our bodies on a daily basis.  It  has been shown that 75% of health care costs can be attributed to diet and what we consume.
What we eat on a daily basis is the number one determinate of health and longevity. Today you will make multiple decisions as to what you eat. For those that follow my blog regularly, I live by the 80% Rule which means I try to consume healthy foods 80% of the time. I believe the reason most “diets” fail is that it is unreasonable to think that we can follow a diet or food program 100% of the time. If you missed the blog on my 80% Rule, you can access it here:…-balanced-health/
What should we mostly consume?
 The big question then becomes what are the foods that we should consume to protect our health and longevity? It turns out what our Moms told us growing up was bang on – eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
What I try to consume are mostly plant based, non processed, whole foods. Studies show that the typical diet is made up of 95% processed foods, fats and animal products and only 5% plant based(fruits,vegetables, nuts and seeds). My belief is that for optimal health this equation should be reversed and our daily diet should be 80-90% plant based, non processed, whole foods and only 10% from animal products and processed foods.
Which leads to another question I am asked regularly which is “what do I mean by plant based and Whole, non processed foods?”


Plant Based
A plantbased diet is a diet based on foods derived from plants, including vegetables, whole grains, legumes and fruits, but with few or no animal products including dairy. On the rare occasion where I do consume animal proteins, I try to make sure they are free of hormones and are organically raised.
Whole, Non processed foods
Another question I am asked regularly is what do I mean by Whole foods?
Dr. Michael Greger who is one of my favourite references( has the best explanation of  Whole, non processed foods. He outlines that these are foods that have not been altered in any way. So for instance when you think of fruits or vegetables they have not been altered in any way. Another explanation is “good things” have not been removed or stripped out of it and “bad ingredients” have not been added back in. So the easiest way to think about it is that it has not been altered in any way. To learn more from one of my favourites, please go to to learn more.
The Take Away To Longevity
So today, when you make decisions as to what you eat, try to consume mostly foods that are plant based(fruits and vegetables)and whole non processed foods. The decisions you make today in terms of food will have a cumulative effect on your longevity and long term health.
My Sweet Potato Quinoa Burger that Barb made last night for dinner
Yours in Great Health, Kev


  1. Hi Kevin,

    Another excellent blog. It is amazing how you analyze situations. You certainly have become knowledgeable on foods and their effects on our body. Keep up the good work.


  2. Kevin,

    While my first most important decision to start any day is usually NOT to check my iPhone or computer until I take a few minutes to meditate and/or stretch – I agree the only things we can truly control in life are how we react, and what we eat.

    Both realizations are essential to good health!

    As usual, you’ve provided practical advice with realistic expectations.

    Mind you, I struggle to average 80%! How’s 75% plus a 5% bonus for honesty?

    — Brian Heagle

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