The Importance of Keeping a Personal Health Log

Every night prior to shutting the lights out I take a few minutes and “record” how I have done that day in terms of my diet, sleep, fitness and overall health. We(Advica Health) had a great speaker come to Burlington to speak to our customers a few times named Chris Crowley. Chris co authored an amazing book that I have recommended to many people called “Younger Next Year”. The book looks at many people that lead long and healthy lives and examines the habits that these people have in common. Along with his book, he produced a “Younger Next Year” log in order to track your progress.

I have been completing it every night for over 5 years now and it allows me to track and “rate’ my day and how I have done in terms of my goals. It also allows me to track when I have gone “off track” so that I can get back on track the following day.  I track a number of different factors including:

  1. Quality and Quantity of Sleep
  2. What I ate for the day
  3. Exercise and duration(weights, cardio, etc.)
  4. Overall ranking for the day
  5. Plans for the following day

I find it is a great way to assess my day and look what I have done well and where I could do better the following day.

I think the mere fact that I record it every single day makes me somewhat accountable. As the old saying goes, what you “measure” you achieve.

Whether you use Chris’s version or just record it in a journal it is a great tool to track and record your progress. I have found that it allows me to stay motivated and stay on track daily, weekly and monthly.

Yours in great health, Kev


  1. Love the saying “what you measure, you achieve”. Will definitely try this! Good luck in Ottawa Kevin.

  2. Hi Kevin.

    Another great blog. I will try to get that book from the library. Perhaps it will help to keep me motivated and on track.
    I find it amazing that you accomplish so much in a day.
    Good luck in Ottawa next weekend. Will be cheering for you…. Marge

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