Is Working Out Selfish?

 I often hear people commenting that the time I take out of my day to work out, is selfish of me. In fact, Barb often gets comments from people asking how she can put up with the time I take away from her or the family to go to the gym, go for a run, cycling, skiing or swimming.
Do it Early
 I do realize that my priority of fitness does take time away from Barb and the family,  however, I try to make a point of getting out early in the morning so it doesn’t affect family or work life. For example, this week I was up at 4:00 am and 4:35 a.m. on two separate mornings in order to get my cycling workouts in early and still satisfy my commitments. Quite often I run from home in order to be time efficient or when I go to the pool to train,  I head out early to the Y and go directly to work or appointments after that.
The reality is that I would have actually preferred to stay in bed those mornings and get some more sleep, however, I know that by working out I will have a much better day and be better for those around me.
My view on this is that working out and looking after my health is actually the opposite of what most people think it is not selfish but instead is very selfless.
If I am sick, tired, or lack energy through an unhealthy lifestyle then how good can I be as a parent, father, husband, or be of service to our customers or my employees?
On the other hand, if I look after myself, pay attention to my health, and exercise daily, then I can be a much better father, parent, husband and do a better job for our customers and employees as I will be full of rigour and energy all day long.
I know that if I feel good and have more energy then I can be better at everything I do as a parent, father, husband and professional.
Therefore, consider your investment in your health a way for you to be a better person and make a better contribution to the world instead of looking at it as selfish.
The Result of Self Care
I feel that we can all be much better people and serve those around us much better by looking after ourselves and taking time out for fitness. My view is that fitness and self-care allow us to be:
1. better professionally
2. better employer
3  better for customers
4  better husband
5. better father
6. better for our communities and charities we serve
So the next time someone comments to you that hitting the gym or working out is selfish, please share with them that it is, in fact, the opposite — very selfless.
Have a great, healthy, Love Life day, Kev


  1. Great reminder about personal health as a priority and platform for living an other-centred life!

    As you indicated, if you view regular fitness primarily as a commitment made to and for others – that should be more than enough motivation to get it done.

    As always, thanks for sharing your personal insights and story.

  2. Thanks for the blog Kev. I know you give a great deal of thought to each and every blog. We all appreciate your efforts.


  3. Great read Kevin. It’s all about finding the right balance for you and your family….you seem to have figured it all out…But seriously FOUR AM? I’d take the extra sleep…lol…your dedication to your health is very inspiring. I think you are setting an incredible example of a healthy lifestyle and commitment to your children.

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