Inflammation And How To Avoid The “Yo Yo” Effect

Lately I have been reading a lot about inflammation and I am trying to pay attention to what “inflames” my system. A diet high in healthy veggies and fruits helps to reduce inflammation in the body. Last night we had a few too many glasses of wine and of course since we were watching movies we had to have the Nachos to go with it. In addition we stayed up too late watching movies.

Well it showed when I woke this morning. I could feel that my body was sore and my joints were sore even though I hadn’t worked out in 2 days. It was as if i had a hard weight workout yesterday as all of my joints hurt.

Well I went out for my easy long run anyways and it was tough and sore at the start. In addition, I had a ton of phlegm come up at the beginning which was a result of all the crap I had put in my system the last few days. As the run went on I felt better and after going through my “running Mantra”, I felt much better. However I got to thinking, what is the point of inflaming the body or treating it poorly then trying to make it up through eating healthy and or exercise?. I would be much better off if I didn’t inflame my body in the first place and likely would have felt much better and likely have had a much better workout.I know this is easier said than done and something I need to personally work on.

So my learning….treat my body better in the first place instead of abusing it and then trying to make it up through better exercise and healthier eating. I call it avoiding the “yo yo” effect….something I need to work on!

Yours in good Health, Kev


  1. Hi Kevin.

    I really enjoy you little sessions.

    Particularly since I have a front row seat in your family’s life.

    I am amazed still how well you people eat and exercise. Once in a while we have to “let go”. Don’t be too hard on yourself.

    You are setting a great example on “how to live” for your kids.

    Think of the good parts and be grateful.


  2. Kevin,
    I can’t image you with out some vino once in awhile. We can’t be perfect all the time, life is too short for that. Just drink more water with your wine.

  3. Kevin. this is a timely write up. I read in the Globe and Mail this morning that inflammation also impacts depression for some people.

  4. Hi Kevin, I have been reading your posts and this particular one on inflammation is very interesting particularly after the past weekend. As you probably remember I’m Celiac and inflammation is my constant battle, because as you know wheat and dairy are in almost everything we ingest. In my case and probably for many people even airborne flour causes inflammation. This past weekend being Easter, I participated in some baking and putting my guard down and actually trying a few baked goodies. Well guess what, these past few days have been horrible. Not only have I been suffering body aches and pain, but I have a cough and congestion that I’m having a hard time getting relief. This feeling makes me have cloudy judgement and feeling jittery, not myself. I read your post and had to share how when we tortoure our bodies by injesting foods that we should not eat we pay a high price! Not feeling well for days. For now I’ve learned my lesson.
    Thank you for bringing this awareness to others.
    Keep bringing us more healthy information.

  5. Another great post Kevin! We have all been there in letting our bodies down with what we wrongly indulge in once in awhile. It is fun at the time – then later by paying attention we can really learn a lot from our body’s reaction to it. What incredible machines our bodies are! They are so smart to give us the signs to get back on track!:)

  6. Love your candour and humility in this journal, Kevin. My Dad used to say, “everything in moderation”. Someone recently added “including moderation”.

    Keep up the great work, Kevin. We are all benefitting from you sharing your experience and inspiring improved behaviours.

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