8 Tips To Recovery From Overindulgence

With just finishing the Christmas Holiday Season and with New Years Eve around the corner, I thought I would share my secrets to help you recover from overindulgence during the holidays.

Many of you have heard me refer to my 80% rule, where my goal is to make healthy food choices roughly 80% of the time. I find during the holidays this rule is often reversed and we spend 80% of the time being tempted by unhealthy food and alcohol choices. This often leads to feeling very tired, lethargic, bloated and generally unwell. What I find is that there are ways to counteract this excessive indulgence so that we go through the holidays feeling fresh, feeling well and maintaining our health.

Here are my personal tips to help beat overindulgence over the holidays(and any time of year for that matter) and I hope they help you.

1.Drink Lemon Water

One of the best ways to cleanse and detox the system is to start your day off with a freshly squeezed lemon in warm water. This a great way to alkalinize your system and start the day off the right way. During the holiday season and  I often sip on warm lemon water and organic honey as a tea during the day or night.

2.Have The Morning Shake

If you have followed my blog, you know how adamant I am about starting my day off with my morning shake. It is a great way to start your day and ensure you are getting a full compliment of healthy fruits and vegetables. Many times during the holidays we are swayed by unhealthy food and drink choice and the morning shake will help counteract the effects of this. One of the reasons that we feel tired over the holidays is that when we “overindulge”, our systems are working overdrive to digest the food. A shake is easy on the system and is very easy for our systems to digest and therefore uses a lot less energy. To read my recipe for the Morning Shakehttp://kevinbradyhealth.ca/the-morning-shake/ ‎

Ingredients I add to my shake this time of year to help inflammation and recovery are Turmeric, Ginger, Garlic, Manuca Honey and Vitamin C Powder.

3.Take Digestive Enzymes

I find that one of the best ways to counteract the effects of excessive foods is to have some digestive enzymes either before or after a large meal or foods that I don’t typically eat. Our stomach has natural enzymes which breaks down our food however sometimes it needs a little assistance. I find that by taking digestive enzymes it prevents that “bloated” and overly full feeling and assists in digestion.

4.Take Probiotics

You have likely read a lot lately on  the importance of having a healthy gut. One of the supplements I take a few times a week are Probiotics. Many foods and antibiotics create unhealthy bacteria in the gut and a way to counteract this is by taking Probiotics. I find that they work particularly well in times like the holidays as they ensure the gut stays and remains healthy and therefore assists in digestion. During the holiday season I tend to take at breakfast and again with dinner.

5.Get good Sleep

I think one of the things that goes without saying is the importance of getting a good restful sleep(7-8 hours). I know this is sometimes difficult however a good sleep helps the body rebuild and regenerate to provide energy and healing. For those that follow my blog, you know the importance of taking my pre sleep supplements that help ensure that I have a good sleep. For an update on the supplements I take prior to sleep see my prior blog – 5 Natural Remedies For A Great Sleep:http://kevinbradyhealth.ca/5-natural-remedies-for-a-great-sleep/

6. Counteract the Effects of Alcohol With These Tricks

The holidays are typically a time to celebrate with our family and friends and alcoholic beverages are often associated with this special time of year. The obvious choice over the holidays is to not partake in any alcoholic beverages. However, if you do choose to indulge, there are a few “tricks” that I find really help. The first is to stick to drinks that don’t have a lot of sugar as they create havoc on the system. The second is to ensure you have Vitamin B as this gets depleted with alcohol. It is a good idea to double your normal dose of Vitamin B following a night of drinking. Another good idea is to continue to drink water during the evening if you are indulging. Alcohol causes your system to dehydrate so it is a great idea to keep well hydrated. A good strategy is to alternate water or soda water with any drinks you may have.

7. Fit In Exercise

Exercise helps replenish and rebuild our systems and as well through sweat you eliminate toxins. I try to stick to my regular workout schedule during the holidays as it makes me feel great and I know is good for my body. I may alter my intensity of my workouts and go for easy and longer workouts(example run or snowshoe) where I am outside enjoying the fresh air but not providing undue stress on my system.

8.Eat Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are a great way to alkalize your body and also very easy to digest. I try to increase my intake of fruits and vegetables during the holiday season. Quite often I will have a Green Shake following a workout or have one later in the day. My Green Shake is similar to my Morning shake, however is primarily made up of Organic Vegetables instead of Fruit. Once again a shake is a great way to increase Vegetable and Fruit intake and help the body recover.

I hope that these tips will help you feel better over the holidays and avoid sickness.

Wishing you a great Healthy Weekend and a very happy and healthy 2017.

1 comment

  1. Hi Kevin I was so sad to hear about Barb’s Mom. I just didn’t know how to tell you how upsetting it was to hear about her loss of sight. I sure hope I have her courage and spirit when things start to fail me. Thanks for the tips on how to get back on track after a long Christmas celebration. Take care

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