7 Characteristics Of Truly Happy People

During my own life, I have noticed that truly happy people in life have certain traits, characteristics, or beliefs that they live by. We all know people that we view as full of Joy all the time. They have a certain relaxed and confident attitude and always seem happy. And I don’t mean they are those we know that are always laughing and appear to be happy as many times those people are outwardly exhibiting “happy” behaviour to put up a front.

We all know truly joyous and happy people. It is difficult to describe but I know you know what I mean by people that are truly happy. They enter a room and people are automatically drawn to them. They have a warm confidence and relaxed state about them. When we encounter these people we want to be with them. They simply have an “aura” about them that we all want to experience.

Here are the  6 traits I have personally noticed about truly Happy, Joyous and Love Life people:

1.They are “Future Focused”

I have noticed that truly happy people are focused on the future and in their eyes, the Future is Bright. They look forward to what the future holds and also are confident in what will happen in the future. They don’t know what will happen in the future (as we all don’t) however they have the faith and trust that their future will be bright. They wake up every day and are not only excited for that day but also excited for the weeks, months and years ahead. This type of person never runs out of things they are excited about and as a result they are often working on many new projects and developing new skills,  even late in life.

2.They do not focus on the Past

The opposite of being focused on the future is being focused on the past. Many people have had great pasts however truly happy people don’t focus on their past achievements and successes. We all know people that still today focus on their high school, public school, or childhood achievements which are clearly basing self-worth on “old” achievements.

I find that truly happy people use their past experiences as building blocks towards a better future. Throughout life, we all face major roadblocks and many times people are ‘stuck” on their past. We often hear people full of regret about their past. We hear these people say things like “ I should have gone to a different school”, I wish I hadn’t gone traveling after university”, “ I wish I never took that job”.

The bottom line is that if people focus on what they “should have done”, they can never look forward to the future. Truly happy people focus on the future and what this great life has in store for us in the future.

3.Live In The Present

I find that truly happy people live for the moment and enjoy where they are right now. They are pleased with what is happening in their life right now and are truly present in the moment. To be honest, this was a skill I had to learn as I was always so focused on future goals that I truly did not give much thought to the enjoyment I was currently experiencing in life. For those that have read my blog, I think the blog that best summarizes this concept is: Enjoy the Journey, Not the Destination http://kevinbradyhealth.ca/enjoy-the-journey/                 . This was a situation that described how I was so focused on the destination(ie. the future) I was not truly enjoying the moment.

Truly happy people are content and pleased with where they are in their life right now.

4.They have no regrets

I notice that truly happy people have no regrets for anything in their life. They feel that where they are today and everything they have experienced in life is how it should have unfolded (good as well as bad) and those experiences have led them to the great spot they are in today. In other words, all the things they have experienced in life (good and bad) have been the raw materials and learning to where they are today. They feel that even the bad things they have experienced in life happened for a reason which has allowed them to be where they are today. They are truly in a happy place and have zero regrets about the past both good and bad.

5.They are very Grateful

I notice that people that are happy are very grateful for where they are in life and everything they have. I don’t mean by this that they are grateful for material things such as houses, cars, cottages or toys, but are truly grateful for everything in their life.

We have all met people that don’t have much in terms of material possessions that many of us strive to have, however they are very grateful for everything they have in their life. The things they may be truly grateful for may be their family, their experiences, the earth, nature and the love they experience from others. As many of you know from past blogs, I try to make a point of thinking about all the things I am grateful for on a daily basis as we are so lucky in so many ways and I find it really helps to put me in a very positive and grateful mindset.

6.They Forgive 

I find that happy people have the amazing ability to forgive others for things they have done. This is a tough one to accept and I personally found it difficult to embrace this concept however I now feel I have the ability to forgive people that have crossed me in the past. This has helped me to be a much happier and peaceful person. I learned from a great friend and customer that when I could not forgive someone, the only person it has hurting and causing stress to was me. It was an amazing breakthrough for me as once I forgave others for their actions,  it actually resulted in me being a much more peaceful and accepting person.

So if you are personally upset with people or actions of others in your own life, try forgiving them and it will set you free.

7.They are Spiritual

I find that truly happy people have faith and are spiritual in nature. Many people equate faith and spirituality with going to church on a regular basis. I find that truly happy people are very spiritual in their own right and some go to church and many do not. I consider myself a very spiritual person, however, don’t go to church on a regular basis.

Okay, I am going to go out a limb here and tell you my own belief about how I live my life. My own thoughts are that I believe in a higher being and feel that there is a greater force at work and if we do the right things in life, we will be looked after.

The Breakthrough

The breakthrough for me that  summarizes all of the above traits is as follows:

You are in the place that you are today and that is exactly where you are supposed to be. Everything single thing in life has lead you to the remarkable place you are right now.  You are exactly where you are today because all of the good and bad you have experienced in life. Where you are today will form the basis of your great future and enjoyment that you will experience for the rest of your life on earth.

Wishing that you live by these traits and enjoy a truly happy and enjoyable life. We only have one life so let’s make sure we live every second, minute, hour and day to the fullest.

Yours in great heath, Kev


  1. Thanks for sharing, Kevin. We have many common beliefs. Remind me to tell you an amazing story of forgiveness the next time we meet.


  2. Dear Kevin, I have been reading this blog to Marge for several weeks. This one is one of my favourites. It moved me so much that I cried after reading the last part. It made me look forward to the future and the good things it will bring. Thank you very much for sharing this. This is a gem. -KC

    Hi Kevin, this blog was one of the best. You have become very inspirational to the people who read your work. We can tell you are guided by a higher power, not only in your work, but in your daily life. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with us. Love, Marge

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