4 Secrets to a Long and Healthy Life

Dan Sullivan – His Key to living a Long and Healthy Life

I have attended a program in Toronto since 1999 called Strategic Coach which caters to Entrepreneurs that want to exponentially grow their business while having a great balance to life. The founder and my personal coach(and a great mentor) is Dan Sullivan.To put it in perspective, Dan is 72 years old and does not look or act a day older than he did when I first met him over 16 years Ago. In fact,  his most recent Health testing results indicated he had the physical body and cardiovascular fitness of a very healthy 38 year old(someone half of his age).

Dan and his wife Babs pay a great deal  of attention to their health. In fact Dan openly indicates his reason for paying such close attention to his health is that he Loves living and wants to “live” a long and healthy life. Dans goal is to live until age 156( I know hard to believe) and Dan makes it a point at each of our 10X quarterly sessions in updating us on new things he is doing to pay attention to his health.

Here are 4 of his “secrets” for living a long and healthy Life.

1.Supplement Program

Dan gets his blood tested quarterly and his supplements are altered according to his results. Dan takes his supplements daily and is very committed to taking the right Vitamins and supplements.

I  have my blood tested  a few times a year to determine which Vitamins or minerals I am deficient in particularly when I am training hard. I will be doing a future in depth blog on my recommended essential Vitamins however I believe that most people should have the following in their daily routine:

1.Vitamin C

2.Vitamin B


4. Vitamin D

5. Magnesium

2.Regular Testing

Dan has all necessary tests done regularly(blood/heart/urine) as well as Comprehensive Executive Medicals in order to pro act on any potential health areas. I believe that the reason most people are “surprised” by health events is they haven’t done the necessary testing that would have uncovered issues much sooner and allows them to act on them accordingly.

We had a client attend one of our Company Charity golf tournaments (To support the YMCA) and bid on an Executive Medical at one of our Health Clinics. Every time I run into that individual he thanks me for that golf tournament as he claims it “saved my life”. As part of the routine testing, they found a shadow on his kidney which turned out to be kidney cancer and they were able to operate and remove it before it spread to other parts of his body.

3.Moves Daily

Dan focuses on three main areas for long time fitness. His areas of focus are Strength Training, Balance, and Cardiovascular Fitness. All of his fitness activities focus on these three areas. Each session Dan shares what he is doing in these three area’s(the one he shared today is known as the Vasper machine). This machine supposedly provides an amazing workout in a short period of time and also increases naturally HGH(Human Growth Hormone) which is what we loose when we age so it will slow the aging process.

I am going to try out the Vasper Machine(Vasper.com) and will provide my personal feedback on it.

4.Mental/Brain Stimulation -Continues to challenge himself with new projects.

Ever since I have known Dan, he has continually had the courage to start new and exciting initiatives. In fact, today Dan shared his 25 year plan on what he plans to achieve in all key area’s of his life over the next 25 years. Think how amazing that is…. a 25 year plan at age 72! Dan also shared that he has committed to writing a new book every quarter of every year(i.e. 4 per year) over the next 25 years. Every session over the past 2 years he has met this goal and produced a new book each quarter….amazing!

Talk about a guy that is amazingly productive at age 72! These are just a few of Dans secrets to living a long and healthy life!

Health Tip of the Week – Careful Selecting Milk Alternatives

I previously shared that I had basically cut Dairy out of my diet since the new year. I have tried other milk alternatives including Almond Milk which seems to be the most popular. I have found that Cashew Milk(unsweetened) is a great alternative and tastes great in tea or coffee as it is quite thick in consistency. Be careful when purchasing any milk alternatives as many of them are loaded with sugar so I always purchase unsweetened. Also beware of some brands that include Carageenan as it appears from many things I have read that it should be banned from food as it may cause inflammation and also may promote cancer growth.

Yours in good health, Kev

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