4 Easy Steps to A Positive Mindset

For those that have followed my previous blogs, I have referred to my daily “Mantra“.

While I was out for a nice peaceful, easy run with Lauren last weekend, I once again practiced my “Mantra” and thought I should share it with you. It is the one thing I try to do daily that puts me in an amazing state of mind for the day.

Although I most often do while exercising, you can do this any time of day you wish. You may do as part of you’re waking routine, during exercise, or just before bed. I find that by also doing this prior to going to sleep at night, it puts me in a very peaceful state of mind and allows me to then drift off for a nice peaceful sleep.

Here is a summary of my Mantra that I practiced while out for a run with Lauren last weekend.

1.Be In the Present

Here I notice everything that I am personally experiencing at that point in time. I listen to nature, the sounds of birds chirping, insects, feel the wind on my face, notice the beauty all around me, the sound of my footsteps, listen to my breathing to name a few.  Essentially here I become 100% present with my body, my surroundings, and all that is happening around me. If you missed my previous blog on 5 Strategies to Live In the Moment, you can access it here:http://kevinbradyhealth.ca/5-strategies-to-live-in-the-moment/


There is more and more being written about the power of the feeling of Gratitude. During this part of my Mantra, I think of all I have to be grateful for and all that I appreciate in life.

During my run I thought of how much I appreciate my life, living and enjoying all life has to offer, the nature around me, my family to name a few. I find that there is so much to appreciate in life that this one varies by the day. Sometimes I think of big picture items and other times it may be that I am just appreciating the fact that I am out for a run and the fact that I am physically able to run and enjoy everything around me. For those that missed my blog on Appreciation and Celebrating the “Big Little Things,  you can access it here:http://kevinbradyhealth.ca/celebrate-the-big-little-things-in-life/


During this part of my Mantra, I think of all the people that I love in my life. I think of Barb, our amazing children, my family, friends and other people that have touched my life.

During this part of my Mantra, I also think of those that have touched my life that are no longer with us. This would include my mom (Joanie) and dad (Howie), my grandparents, Grandpa Ted, Uncle Bill as well as many other friends and acquaintances that have touched my life. I also thank God for all the amazing people that have touched my life and pray for any people I know that are going through a difficult time emotionally or having health issues.

4. Future Is Bright

The previous 3 parts of my Mantra are really a positive reflection on the past. In this part of the Mantra, I look forward and think about how bright the future can be. I find that getting excited about the future puts me in a very positive state of mind.

During my run I thought of all the future business opportunities that lie ahead, the place I am in life, looking forward to spending time with Barb and the kids at the cottage this summer, the ability to represent Canada in the Worlds in Australia later this year to name a few.

Happy People focus on the Future

I have found that many people dwell on the past however the happiest people I know are really excited about the future and what it may hold. By making this part of my practice, it forces me to think of all the great things ahead and continue to get excited about life. To refresh yourself on 7 characteristics of happy people you can access it here:http://kevinbradyhealth.ca/7-characteristics-of-truly-happy-people/


Well, there you have it. A very simple practice that I do daily that hopefully you can incorporate into your daily life. You can do this in less than a minute or spend more time on it(assuming you have the time).  Sometimes I do the above quickly in less than a minute and other times I dig deep and may take 30-60 minutes while out for a run, ride or hike thinking through each of these areas.

Therefore to change your mindset on a daily basis, think of the following Mantra:

1.  Be Present and Live in the Moment

2. Think of All You Appreciate In Life

3. Think of all those People you Love

4. Think of all you have to look forward to(Future Is Bright)

Wishing you a happy and healthy day, Kev


  1. Hi Kev,

    Thanks for such a positive attitude. Everything you said has a special meaning and I appreciate you sharing your ideas with the rest of us. Have a great summer. All the best.


  2. Thanks Kevin, this is certainly something that I have been doing since reading your blog, my daily mantra includes being thankful for each day and I try and do something positive either for myself or others daily.
    Your positive approach to life is infectious!

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